Bakina kuhinja- princes krofne
Potrebno je:
250 ml. vode
120 ml. ulja
150 gr. brašna
malo soli
2 vanilin šećera
1/2 praška za pecivo
200 gr. gustina
šećer 200 gr
1 l mleka
200 gr šlaga
4 jaja
200 gr margarina
prah šećer za posipanje
Staviti vodu da provri i u nju kad provri dodati brašno i mešati 1 min-do 2 a zatim skloniti i prohladiti. U ohladjeno dodavati jedno po jedno jaje i dobro izjednačiti. Mleko staviti da provri u njega staviti šećer, vanilin šećer i zakuvati gustin. Kuvan gustin dobro ohladiti pa dodati umućen margarin.
Gustin dodavati u umućen margarin, ne obrnuto, najbolje to raditi mikserom. Kad smo izmešali brašno i jaja, vaditi kašičicom ili oblikovati špricom male krofnice i peći u rerni oko 40 min. da dobro porumene. Ohladjene krofnice raseći napola pa filovati umućenim kremom od gustina i odozgo dodati umućen šlag. Zatvoriti kapicom krofnice. Posuti prah šećerom
Grandma’s kitchen-filled donuts
It is necessary to:
250 ml. water
120 ml. oils
150 gr. flour
pinch of salt
2 vanilla sugar
1/2 baking powder
200 gr. density
sugar 200g
1 liter milk
200 g cream
4 eggs
200 g margarine
icing sugar for dusting
Put water to boil and boil in it when add flour and stir 1 to 2 minutes-and then bend down and chill. The cooled add eggs one by one and good to equalize. Milk put to boil in him, put the sugar, vanilla sugar and cook up starch. Kuvan cornstarch kept cool and add whipped margarine. Gustin add the whipped margarine, not the other way around, it is best to do this mixer. When we mix the flour and eggs, remove the spoon or syringe to form small donuts and bake in the oven for about 40 min. that well browned.
Cooled donuts cut you in half but fill each egg cream density and above to add whipped cream. Close cap donuts. Sprinkle with powdered sugar